Notice the bunk beds for the children on the left of the building in the photo above.
Architect: LLP Arkitektkontor AB
Images: Robin Hayes
Via ArchDaily & Humble-Homes
To me small houses like this are perfect for families.
I just know that modern designs like these are not very affordable but at least once built they are efficient, easy to maintain and have a relatively small footprint in comparison to McMansions.
And what if they were built for the masses? Wouldn’t they become more and more affordable then? I think so.
My wish is that developers would provide more housing like this because the truth is it’s just easier to get an oversized house (they’re everywhere). AND they’re cheaper.
It’s a shame that in most of today’s communities and neighborhoods you wouldn’t even be able to build out a floor plan like this because it’s less than 1200 sq. ft.
I consider 667 sq. ft. designs like this one to be McMansion killers because if they were widely available and easy to finance lots of people would actually choose them over 2400 sq. ft. cookie cutter homes.
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